Sabtu, 14 November 2015

MIDTERM of Instructional Media II


4.The media groups have presented in front of the class

Learning media uses flash player
Practice listening use music 


To make learning media that we use, we use software called Tanida Quiz builder (you can get here). actually easier to use this software instead of using adobe flash, because meningat to make sebuat application or program you have to deal his premises a lot of code and script code.
If you are interested in making this software you can see the tutorial in here


The aim of our study media is applying a new method in the learning process. where in addition to the teacher helped by learning media theory but do not forget to make students more interactive learning.
Students are expected to practice at home or anywhere with guidance or self-taught, in the media, there are exercises and a song that is playing to improve students' skills in listening

3. How to use

How to use media very easy, not too hard, and user friendly easy to understand by students

After opening the application, then you are required to answer questions pertnyaan provided, select the answer you think is correct palinng then click Next, do the same thing until all questions were answered. in the end you will get the value of what is to be answered by you. if you are interested in our media that persentasikan by us in front of the class, then you can download here

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